Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibumu dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatupun, dan Dia memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, agar kamu bersyukur. An-Nahl:78
Thanks to Lt. Cdr Hiruldin (Ketua Cawang Operasi) because gave me this opportunity to sail with one of the best RMN's sailing boat. Although it just sailed around Selat Dinding, I can experience the real seaman's life. This sailing boat named Zuhrah and it cost 4.6 million. One of the most expensive assets belongs to RMN. The crews are expert and the skipper on that day was Major Madinah!. I never knew that she can sail the boat!. It was unforgettable memories, not because the opportunity to sail with Zuhrah, that day was my birthday too. :)
salam cikgu,
sye telah mng"link" blog ckgu, mohon kebenaran
what a wonderful experience to sail with zuhrah!
Bang Amir,
Jakinya saya. Dapat belayar dengan Zuhrah tu... Masih terkenang-kenang pengalaman belayar dengan KD Marikh dulu..
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